Hey, I'm Eszter.

Flexbox with fixed sidebar

I love flexbox. It’s… flexible. Today, developers have to think about almost as many resolutions as devices. Things have to shrink (and grow!), fit, and not cover anything else. In some cases, they have to reorder themselves (more on that in a future blog post). Flexbox can do all this. One caveat though — it does not work well with absolute or fixed positioning.

So how do we keep a sidebar in place?

HTML structure

Our very simple website will contain a sidebar and a <main> part. These will be wrapped in a common parent, which has display: flex property. Something like this (fill main with lots of paragraphs — try Space Ipsum or Fillerama).


<div class="wrapper">
  <nav class="sidebar">Links...</nav>
  <main>Fill with lots of text</main>


.wrapper {
  display: flex;

Blocks have an overflow property. They also have width and height, and with these properties, we can easily tame that sidebar.

Fixing the sidebar

First, our sidebar should not be taller than the screen. But how tall is the screen? It’s exactly 100vh. Now that we are at it, let’s fix box-sizing for every element too, in case there are any paddings or borders[1].

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

.sidebar {
  height: 100vh;

Scrolling the content

At this point, our sidebar will be as tall as the screen — but our page height is defined by the length of its content. In other words, .wrapper will be as tall as main, and if we have lots of paragraphs, we will scroll past the sidebar quickly. Overflow to the rescue! Let’s make this main no taller than the screen, and scroll if it has more content:

main {
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: scroll;

That’s it! Here’s a working example.

  1. see box-sizing on MDN web docs ↩︎

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