Hey, I'm Eszter.

GitHub CLI: create and manage PRs from the command line

Recently released in beta, GitHub CLI managed to integrate seamlessly in my workflow, like it’s always been there. As oh-my-zsh’s git aliases, they quickly became muscle memory.

Of course, there are two kinds of programmers: those who use a desktop client for git, and those who don’t[1]. Vim being my editor of choice, you can probably guess which camp I’m in. Hearing that GitHub have released a tool just for me was music to my ears.

What is it for?

Mainly for managing pull requests and issues directly from the command line.

How to get it

brew install gh

Chechking PRs for code reviews: gh pr view and gh pr checkout

For a little bit of context, as a frontend developer, I like to always run pull requests locally, to make sure what I review works and looks fine (sure, QA can do that too, but let them catch the bugs that aren’t obvious.) So, reviewing a pull request involves reading the changes, checking out the branch, and running locally.

In a browser-based workflow, this looks something like the following:

The same using the cli:

That’s my kind of workflow! ⚡️

This is what happens in a bit more detail:

$ gh pr list

Pull requests for some-org/some-repo

#123  Add some great feature  feat/cool-feature
#124  Fix nasty bug           fix/nasty-bug

gh pr list shows me all the open pull requests in the current repo. All I need to do is choose which one I’m interested in.

Now comes the best part: checkout switches to the PR’s branch based on PR number.

$ gh pr checkout 123

Switched to branch feat/cool-feature
Your branch is up-to-date with origin/feat/cool-feature.

I can also open the PR on github.com right from the terminal (it opens the browser automatically):

$ gh pr view 123 --web

Opening https://github.com/some-org/some-repo/pull/123 in your browser.

Opening pull requests: gh pr create

$ gh pr create

Creating pull request for feat/cool-feature into master in some-org/some-repo
? Title ▌

After filling title and body (the latter using your system editor[2]), it will give you the option to preview, submit or cancle the pull request. Depending on the task, I usually preview and request reviews, but sometimes just submit.

$ gh pr create

Creating pull request for feat/cool-feature into master in some-org/some-repo
? Title Fix nasty bug
? Body <Received>
? What's next?  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Preview in browser

You can also open a draft pull request by passing the --draft (or -d) flag: gh pr create -d.

Useful for checks: gh pr status

You can check the overall PR status of a branch with gh pr status. This is not an overview though; it is branch-specific. So for the following output, you have to be on the same branch as the PR:

$ gh pr status

Current branch
  #123  Add cool feature
    - Checks passing
  #124  Fix nasty bug
    - Checks passing

Created by you
  You have no open pull requests

Requesting a code review from you
  #123  Add cool feature
    - Checks passing - Review required

Issues etc.

You can list, view (open in browser) and open issues with the respective commands gh issue list, gh issue view 10, and gh issue create. They work very similarly to prs.

And, just as I was checking the docs to fact-check what I’m writing, I’ve discovered you can create a repo with gh repo create some-org/another-repo. Not something I do on a daily basis, but I might even get to using it! On the other hand, gh repo clone some-org/some-other-repo is a much friendlier experience than either remembering the whole .git repo url syntax or visiting the repo and clicking clone.

Overall? Lgtm.

GitHub CLI is a simple, easy-to-use tool that’s also easy to love.

Be sure to check out the docs, as there are a lot of useful options. Happy coding! 🎉

  1. I admit this may be a very personal choice, and I have an opinionated… opinion. That is, to understand git properly, and solve more complex issues, it’s better to use the command line. As the desktop repo states, “GitHub Desktop is not a replacement for the functionality of Git, but a tool to enable you and your team to be more productive.” ↩︎

  2. You can set this in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc, whichever you use, by adding export EDITOR=vim (or any other editor you like.) ↩︎

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