Hey, I’m Eszter.

Using environment variables with Gatsby and Netlify

Environment variables are a good way to use API keys in web apps without committing them to source code management. They have more use on the backend or at build time where we have to protect secret keys from being exposed to the client side, but are needed for data-fetching or API calls. Having said that, it’s a good practice to make use of them on the client side as well, when using public keys.

Today, we will look at how environment variables work in Gatsby.

Before we go forward, Gatsby is a superfast frontend framework/static site generator written in React. Netlify offers a way to deploy it, and they play pretty well together.

Using environment variables in JavaScript and Node.js

In JavaScript and Node.js, environment variables can be accessed from process.env. They are usually defined in a file named .env — or, if dev and prod environments are different, .env.development and .env.production. Here’s an example:



They can also be defined in the actual process, in *sh, by typing export SECRET=foo. When running the app, this has the same result — it’s just more convenient to manage them in .env files.

To keep secrets a secret, it’s crucial to avoid committing environment variables to source code. The best way to do this is to add .env and .env.* to .gitignore.

The two types of environment variables in Gatsby

An interesting thing to note with Gatsby is that it can have two kinds of environment variables: client-side and server-side. We don’t really have a server in Gatsby, so I will call these build-time instead.

Client-side environment variables

These are public API keys, API urls etc. that we want to reuse, and don’t mind exposing them to the client. Public keys are safe to use on the client side, therefore they can be included in the client-side bundle.

Gatsby includes a safety measure to avoid unwillingly expose secrets: only variables prefixed with GATSBY_ will be available to the client. So, if we define MY_PUBLIC_KEY=foo in our .env, process.env.MY_PUBLIC_KEY won’t be available for Gatsby!

Instead, we should prefix it, like so: GATSBY_MY_PUBLIC_KEY=foo. This way, we will be able to use it on the client side, by using process.env.GATSBY_MY_PUBLIC_KEY.

Of course, you could ask where is the sense in using environment variables for things that will get exposed to the client anyway. Sure, we could use a config file, or simply hard-code it where we make the API call. However, imagine you have a set of keys (as will happen for many APIs), consisting of a public key and a secret key. Rotating them is much easier to manage if they are kept in the same place.

Build-time environment variables

There are keys and secrets which we only need at build time, like an API key to fetch content from a CMS that we’ll use in gatsby-node.js to build pages. We only have to make these API calls when we are building the site (and not when the client is requesting the page), so there is no need for them to be bundled in the application. As such, the bundle built by Gatsby does not need to access it.

To keep sensitive API keys unexposed, these variables should not have the GATSBY_ prefix — we should define them as MY_API_KEY=something.

Putting it all into practice


Add .env.* to .gitignore. Then, create a file called .env.development with the following content:


In this case, the first variable will be accessible from the client side; the second will only be available for our application at build time.

On Netlify

Go to https://app.netlify.com/sites/{your_site}/deploys#environment, click ‘Edit variables’, then ‘New variable’, add your keys and values, and save.[1]


That’s it, Gatsby will pick these up from Netlify’s build environment, so now we can access the first variable in client-side code as process.env.GATSBY_SOME_PUBLIC_KEY, and the second only at build time, as process.env.SOME_SECRET_KEY.

You can read more about environment variables in Gatsby here.

  1. This works very similarly on other hosts, such as Vercel, AWS or Heroku. ↩︎

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