Hey, I'm Eszter.

Custom filters for Nunjucks templates in Eleventy

Eleventy (or 11ty) with Nunjucks is one of my favourite combinations recently. Frontend fashions come and go, but 11ty’s performance leaderboard and ease of use makes it intriguing enough to give it a try.[1]

If you haven’t heard about these, 11ty is a simple static site generator (think Jekyll, but you can choose from a wide variety of templating languages.) Nunjucks is a powerful templating language for JavaScript, not unlike Handlebars.[2]

Blogs, dates, and filters

11ty is an excellent choice for blogs – and in blogs, you’ll most likely display dates. If you show dates unfiltered, they will look something like Thu Oct 15 2020 20:12:43 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) – this is not bad, but you may want something simpler or more custom, like 15 October, 2020.

Enter another favourite tool of mine, Day.js – a lightweight alternative to Moment.js. They do pretty much the same and have a very similar API, but Day.js comes at the fraction of the footprint.[3]

Filters in Nunjucks are essentially functions. The syntax {{ "3.14" | int }} will output 3, because there is a method called int in Nunjucks’ built-in filters. These filters are extensible, meaning that you can write your own!

This is powerful. You can write any filter now.

Let’s make one that formats dates using Day.js.

A minimal 11ty project to get started with

Let’s set up a very simple 11ty blog, so we can add a filter later. You can use any of the community starters, or do it manually:

mkdir mysite
cd mysite
yarn init -y
yarn add --dev @11ty/eleventy

Now, let’s create some files:


title: Hello, world!
date: 2020-10-15

Anyone out there?


"scripts": {
  "dev": "eleventy --serve --quiet"

Run yarn dev – there’s a simple website!

For now, it will only show the blog post text, no title or date. Let’s do something about that.

Adding a layout to show the date and title

We can turn this into a more sophisticated blog using layouts. First, let’s create a blog post layout:


  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  <time>{{ date }}</time>
  {{ content | safe }}

If we check the site now, it will show the title and the date too! Quite an ugly date, but we’ll get to that later. But now, let’s create a base layout that can contain navigation, site title, footer etc. and can be used by every page on our website.


<!doctype html>
    <!-- normally, we’d insert meta tags etc. here -->
    <title>My site</title>
      <h1>My site</h1>
        <a href="/">Home</a>
        <!-- some other links… -->
       {{ content | safe }}

Any template that uses the base layout, will insert its full content in the base layout’s {{ content }} slot. This comes very handy, as we can make the blog post layout use the base layout:


layout: layouts/base.njk
  <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  <time>{{ date }}</time>
  {{ content | safe }}

Now, you should see the title “My site”, and a link to “Home”.

Prettier dates with a Day.js filter

We still have one problem: the blog post date looks something like Thu Oct 15 2020 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) (this could differ based on your locale settings.) Nunjucks doesn’t have a built-in date formatter, but it supports adding one, so let’s do that!

First, we need the dayjs package.

yarn add --dev dayjs

Then, let’s create the filter:


const dayjs = require('dayjs')

/* defaultFormat could be any other valid dayjs format,
 * or null, in which case we’d get dayjs().format() */
const defaultFormat = 'DD MMM YYYY'

function dayjsFilter(date, format = defaultFormat) {
  return dayjs(date).format(format)

module.exports = dayjsFilter

Finally, we should register this filter so our layouts know about it. We can do this in the eleventy config file, .eleventy.js:


module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // you may already have some other configs here
  eleventyConfig.addNunjucksFilter('date', require('./filters/nunjucks-dayjs-filter'))

Now we can use the date filter:


layout: layouts/base.njk
   <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
-  <time>{{ date }}</time>
+  <time>{{ date | date('MMM D, YYYY') }}</time>
   {{ content | safe }}

Alternatively, we can just rely on the default format defined in the filter and omit the formatter argument:

{{ date | date }}

You can read more about custom Nunjucks filters here. Have fun with them!

  1. Ok, I know that most of the time it’s third-party tracking vs performance. Easy to have 100% without analytics. ↩︎

  2. I stole both of these descriptions from the respective websites – I couldn’t have said it better myself. ↩︎

  3. To be fair, dependency size won’t actually matter in the production build, as 11ty outputs the result only. But still :) ↩︎